Marriage & Family Life
$40 off each session for Couples & Marital Coaching
Call: 253-355-6620
EMAIL: Dori@Success4Couples.com

Dori & Rob

Our mission is making a lasting difference in as many lives as possible. We believe professional coaching and counseling will create a difference in your life and relationships. Dori & Rob have influenced lasting changes in over 2000 couples and individual clients.
Dori is a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPLC) through the Christian Coach Institute and holds a Bachelor's Degree. She has worked in business, education, and ministry. They have been married over 35 years, raised two children, love to travel, hike, explore the outdoors, and cook.
Rob is a WA State Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) with certifications in many therapy methods. Lifespan Integration and Cognitive Renewing are a few of his specialties. He's worked as a Mechanical Engineer, Leadership Consultant, Guest Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and a Tenured Professor.
! Both Rob & Dori Officiate Weddings !
Over 2,000 People Living Better Lives
23 Year Marriage
We were headed for divorce after years of arguing, lack of emotional intimacy, and poor communication. Wow, I cannot thank Dori enough for saving our marriage. Changing how we love, how we view forgiveness & trust, and letting go of the past mended our hearts and renewed our minds. Dori offered us new ways of living life together with less conflicts and a deeper love for each other.
Couple Together 4 Years
We were emotionally damaged from failed marriages for both of us. We learned how to really listen carefully, understand each other, and resolve conflicts more effectively. Through mending trust and utilizing emotional intimacy tools, we changed how we loved and finally forgave each other. The process was not easy, yet the choice to engage with Dori has greatly improved our lives.
32 Year Old Woman
Life Changing! I learned how to feel and process emotions, accept myself, and resolve past pains through prayer, meditation, and telling myself the truth. I ended an abusive relationship and maybe for the first time in my life I am hopeful and free of most pain and anxiety. Dori is a God-send!
57 Year Old Woman
I was recently divorced, struggling at work, and unable to engage in relationships. With Lifespan Integration and learning to practice new ways of thinking daily, I worked through trauma and pain. Applying my new way of life is nothing short of a miracle! Self-care and emotional healing are vital in attracting healthy relationships. Maybe for the first time ever, I am well and recently received a promotion at work.
Engaged Couple
We had no major issues, but wanted the best marriage possible. In blending families we needed tools to smooth out the transition. We learned to share without blame or shame, and build confidence in meeting each other's needs. Even our kids see the difference in our relationship!

42 Year Old Father
"The court ordered a Mental Health Evaluation for both myself and my children's mother regarding shared custody. After I completed the evaluation, Mr. Olsen thoroughly explained the results and offered recommendations. Mr. Olsen created a report for my lawyer and the court, and shared custody was granted. I'm able to see, care for, and love my children regularly. Words are not enough to say how grateful I am for contacting Mr. Olsen and walking through the evaluation process. In fact, I'm choosing to continue therapy with Mr. Olsen. And my insurance paid most of the cost!"

Marital & Couples
Counseling & coaching
Couples learn to effectively communicate, resolve conflicts, and build emotional intimacy. Gaining skills to repair trust and change relational habits are vital for growth. Couples repair broken trust and build healthy communication capabilities through a learning, practicing, and coaching process. Rob and Dori will accommodate individual sessions if/when necessary. Couples counseling requires two 'relatively' healthy individuals in mending hurts, learning new skills, and building consistent "love" patterns -- individual sessions, then, my be necessary. It is fairly common for one or both spouses/partners requiring a deeper-level of therapy. Rob and Dori collaborate together providing both couples and individual therapy when necessary. Over 1,000 couples/marriages have gained greater intimacy and relational success!
Lifespan Integration Therapy
Lifespan Integration Therapy (LIT) heals deeply AND clients do NOT have to relive trauma! Many clients who have engaged in therapy before, report LIT as a much kinder, less-anxious process! Clients begin thinking more clearly, relationship decisions start improving, and life overall is more content. LIT "integrates" ego states and personality traits causing a person to live far more PRESENT! This greatly improves one's achievement potential and builds self-management and relational success! LI Therapy is a relatively short-term process and takes approximately 10 sessions. Painful and deep scars from a client's past will be replaced with a sense security and self-confidence. Most report a sense of personal value and worth like never before. Even the worst cases of Childhood trauma or Adult PTSD have responded very well to LI Therapy!

1-on-1 Life Coaching
Gain vital skills in handling interpersonal conflicts and effectively resolve mis-trust within relationships. Greatly improve your confidence, self-care, and your ability to attract healthier friends. Discover more personal accountability and purpose, motivational focus, and emotional peace. Coaching clients are commonly individuals who need to "pivot" their lives by gaining direction and more self-management success. If Dori assesses a client may need individual therapy,
prior to life coaching, direction will be offered.
I left my past behind me! At first, I was apprehensive given therapy seemed too easy. After 2 Therapy Sessions, I was thinking clearer and more focused. After 5 sessions, my obsessive thoughts and anxiety lessened. I met with Rob 9x total and my life is more peaceful and I can laugh again. I thank Rob for believing in me when I was ready to give up. My career and marriage have never been better!
51 Year Old Male
$115 to $165 per Session
Many Insurances Accepted
Your insurance plan may not cover couples counseling
Discounts Available
Over 70% of our clients receive a discount when paying out of pocket
Wedding Officiating starts at $300

Client Forms & Information
Clients must complete this form before or during their first appointment:
Clients should review HIPAA information - No signature required:
Client offers signed permission to share private information to another party: